Click or drag to resize

TouchScript Namespace

Public classGestureManager
Facade for current instance of IGestureManager.
Public classLayerManager
Facade for current instance of ILayerManager.
Public classPointerEventArgs
Arguments dispatched with TouchManager events.
Public classTouchManager
A facade object to configure and hold parameters for an instance of ITouchManager. Contains constants used throughout the library.
Public classTouchManagerFrameEvent
Event implementation in Unity EventSystem for frame events.
Public classTouchManagerPointerEvent
Event implementation in Unity EventSystem for pointer events.
Public interfaceIDebuggable
An interface for objects which can expose some kind of debug information which can be turned on and off.
Public interfaceIGestureDelegate

A delegate which can be set to Delegate and control what this gesture can or can not do.

This is a way to control very precisely how affected gestures work without inheriting from them and overriding their behavior.

Public interfaceIGestureManager
Core manager which controls gesture recognition in hierarchy.
Public interfaceILayerManager
Core manager which controls TouchLayers.
Public interfaceCode exampleITouchManager

Core manager of all pointer input in TouchScript. It is responsible for assigning unique pointer ids and keeping the list of active pointers. Controls pointer frames and dispatches pointer events.

Public enumerationTouchManagerMessageName
Names of dispatched Unity messages.
Public enumerationTouchManagerMessageType
Values of a bit-mask representing which Unity messages an instance of TouchManager will dispatch.