Click or drag to resize

FullscreenLayer Methods

The FullscreenLayer type exposes the following members.

Protected methodaddPointer
Called when a pointer is added.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Protected methodAwake
Unity Awake callback.
(Overrides TouchLayerAwake.)
Protected methodcancelPointer
Called when a pointer is cancelled.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Protected methodcheckHitFilters
Checks the hit filters.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Protected methodcreateProjectionParams
Creates projection parameters.
(Overrides TouchLayercreateProjectionParams.)
Public methodGetProjectionParams
Gets the projection parameters of this layer which might depend on a specific pointer data.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Public methodHit
Checks if a point in screen coordinates hits something in this layer.
(Overrides TouchLayerHit(IPointer, HitData).)
Protected methodOnDestroy
Unity OnDestroy callback.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Protected methodpressPointer
Called when a layer is pressed over an object detected by this layer.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Protected methodreleasePointer
Called when a pointer is released.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Protected methodremovePointer
Called when a pointer is removed.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
Protected methodsetName
Updates pointer layers's name.
(Overrides TouchLayersetName.)
Protected methodupdatePointer
Called when a pointer is moved.
(Inherited from TouchLayer.)
See Also