Click or drag to resize

TouchScript.Layers Namespace

Public classCameraProjectionParams
Projection parameters for a camera based TouchLayer.
Public classFullscreenLayer
Layer which gets all input from a camera. Should be used instead of a background object getting all the pointers which come through.
Public classProjectionParams
TouchLayer specific projection parameters. Used by layers to project pointers in the world and world coordinates onto layers.
Public classStandardLayer
A layer which combines all types of hit recognition into one: UI (Screen Space and World), 3D and 2D.
Public classTouchLayer
Base class for all pointer layers. Used to check if some object is hit by a pointer.
Public classTouchLayerEventArgs
Arguments used with TouchLayer events.
Public classWorldSpaceCanvasProjectionParams
Projection parameters for a UI based TouchLayer.
Public interfaceILayerDelegate

A delegate which can be set to Delegate and control what this layer can or can not do.
