Click or drag to resize

OnePointTrasformGestureBase Fields

The OnePointTrasformGestureBase type exposes the following members.

Protected fieldactivePointers
Pointers the gesture currently owns and works with.
(Inherited from Gesture.)
Protected fieldangleBuffer
Angle buffer.
Protected fieldbasicEditor (Inherited from Gesture.)
Protected fieldcachedPreviousScreenPosition
Cached previous screen position. Used to keep tap's position which can't be calculated from pointers when the gesture is recognized since all pointers are gone.
(Inherited from Gesture.)
Protected fieldcachedScreenPosition
Cached screen position. Used to keep tap's position which can't be calculated from pointers when the gesture is recognized since all pointers are gone.
(Inherited from Gesture.)
Protected fieldcachedTransform
Cached transform of the parent object.
(Inherited from Gesture.)
Protected fielddeltaPosition
Calculated delta position.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fielddeltaRotation
Calculated delta rotation.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fielddeltaScale
Calculated delta scale.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldisTransforming
Indicates whether transformation started;
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Public fieldOnStateChange
Occurs when gesture changes state.
(Inherited from Gesture.)
Public fieldOnTransform
Unity event, occurs when the gesture is updated.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Public fieldOnTransformComplete
Unity event, occurs when the gesture ends.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Public fieldOnTransformStart
Unity event, occurs when the gesture starts.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldrotationAxis
Rotation axis to use with deltaRotation.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldscaleBuffer
Scaling buffer.
Protected fieldscreenPixelRotationBuffer
Rotation buffer.
Protected fieldscreenPixelScalingBuffer
Screen space scaling buffer.
Protected fieldscreenPixelTranslationBuffer
Translation buffer.
Protected fieldscreenTransformPixelThreshold (Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldscreenTransformPixelThresholdSquared
ScreenTransformThreshold in pixels squared.
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldtargetPosition
Target overridden position. OverrideTargetPosition(Vector3).
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldtargetPositionOverridden
Indicates if current position is being overridden for the next frame. OverrideTargetPosition(Vector3).
(Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldtransformMask (Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
Protected fieldtype (Inherited from TransformGestureBase.)
See Also