Click or drag to resize

Gesture Methods

The Gesture type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddFriendlyGesture
Adds a friendly gesture.
Protected methodAwake
Public methodCanBePreventedByGesture
Determines whether this instance can be prevented by specified gesture.
Public methodCancel
Cancels this gesture.
Public methodCancel(Boolean, Boolean)
Cancels this gesture.
Public methodCanPreventGesture
Determines whether this instance can prevent the specified gesture.
Public methodGetScreenPositionHitData
Returns HitData for gesture's ScreenPosition, i.e. what is right beneath it.
Public methodHasPointer
Determines whether gesture controls a pointer.
Public methodIsFriendly
Checks if a gesture is friendly with this gesture.
Protected methodonBegan
Called when state is changed to Began.
Protected methodonCancelled
Called when state is changed to Cancelled.
Protected methodonChanged
Called when state is changed to Changed.
Protected methodOnDestroy
Unity OnDestroy handler.
Protected methodOnDisable
Unity OnDisable handler.
Protected methodOnEnable
Unity Start handler.
Protected methodonFailed
Called when state is changed to Failed.
Protected methodonIdle
Called when state is changed to Idle.
Protected methodonPossible
Called when state is changed to Possible.
Protected methodonRecognized
Called when state is changed to Recognized.
Protected methodpointersCancelled
Called when pointers are cancelled.
Protected methodpointersPressed
Called when new pointers appear.
Protected methodpointersReleased
Called if pointers are removed.
Protected methodpointersUpdated
Called for moved pointers.
Protected methodreset
Called to reset gesture state after it fails or recognizes.
Protected methodsetState
Tries to change gesture state.
Public methodShouldBegin
Specifies if gesture can begin or recognize.
Protected methodshouldCachePointerPosition
Should the gesture cache this pointers to use it later in calculation of ScreenPosition.
Public methodShouldReceivePointer
Specifies if gesture can receive this specific pointer point.
See Also